Monday, May 4, 2009

All Updates, All at Once

*****This is an old post but I couldn't figure out how to rotate the video.

The boy is asleep and if the last 2 nights are any indication, it may not be for that much longer :(
Although, we traveled far and wide this weekend, so that may have had something to do with it. Dan tried feeding him some rice cereal tonight and (of course) it was smooth sailing. Practically no need for a bib; when I've tried it we've had to change outfits. No complaints though - the boy is fed and I can update the site! Liam's been growing like a weed - up to 18lbs and 26.34 inches long! He's easily wearing 6-9 months and I've put him in some 12 month short outfits. Slightly big but he'll definitely be in them by the end of the summer. He's been building up his muscles by hanging out in the Jumparoo (see video) and got ready for a fun summer by having his first swim this weekend. Exciting times!

He's hanging out in the hotel, entertaining himself and us:

When his bib flips up, he shakes and waves his hands and feet

But as soon as it's back down all is right with the world

Here's the video (notice the rest period and then we're off again)...

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